Paws ‘N’ Pups has curated the most comprehensive list of Curly-Coated Retriever breeders from around the world to help you find the puppy of your dreams! We strive to provide you with the most up to date breeder listings including the most current contact information to assist in your search.
It’s important to thoroughly research a breeder prior to bringing a puppy home. Do not rush your decision. Ideally, you should visit them before purchasing and take the time to ask questions and learn more about the breeder’s previous experience, the lineage of parent dogs, and the general living conditions of the animals. In addition, you should find out which vaccinations your potential puppy will come with, what items are included in the puppy take-home kit (i.e. some food, a blanket, a toy), and what the policies are regarding a deposit, a refund, and a health guarantee. These are some of the main things to consider once you begin a conversation with a breeder.
If you are a breeder and would like to be added to list, would like to update you’re listing or would like to be removed from this list, please use this form.
Pick your country: USA | Canada | Europe | Australia and NZ
Breeder Name | City | State |
Backcast Curly Coated Retrievers | Jacksonville | Florida |
Bluestone Great Danes | Minnesota | |
Brio Retrievers | Chesterland | Ohio |
Dawn Fleming | Thompson | Ohio |
Gunflint | Minnesota | |
Lori Walton | Thurmont | Maryland |
Mathel Kennels | Orinda | California |
Praire Lakes Hrc | Minnesota | |
Ptarmigan Curly Coated Retrievers | Cadott 54727 | Wisconsin |
Riverwatch Curly Coated Retreivers | Michigan | |
Rocky Water Retrievers | Cortez | Colorado |
Thunderbay | New York | |
Tika | California | |
Von Marja Kennels | Bernice | Oklahoma |
Wannawin Curlies | Central Square | New York |
Wind Dancer | Arlington Heights | Illinois |
Windsong Retrievers | Memphis | Tennessee |
Breeder Name | City | Province |
Chenil Aile Bleue | St-Francois I.O. | Quebec |
Lastcall Retrievers | Ontario | |
Riverwood Retrievers | Ontario |
Breeder Name | City | State or Country |
Curly Coated Retriever Austria | Austria | |
Retriever Belgium | Belgium | |
Van Het Goralenhof | Grote Beemd 66 | 2970 Schilde |
Angels of Baranya | Croatia | |
Bonny Dux | Czech | |
Curly-Zamek | Tábor | Czech Republic |
Capercaillie | Denmark | |
Kennel Black Grouses Curly | Denmark | |
Kennel-Sasa | Denmark | |
Cawdowen | Derby | Derbyshire |
Clare Crocker | Newton Abbot | Devon |
Curlabull | Consett | County Durham |
Curltemple | Newbury | Berkshire |
Fleetpaw | Nottingham | Nottinghamshire |
Haneslau | Telford | Shropshire |
Hannah Cooper | Preston | Lancashire |
Kahawei | Louth | Lincolnshire |
Lahabra | Worthing | West Sussex |
Largymore | Manchester | |
Mr D and Mrs M Bett | Louth | Lincolnshire |
Pepperiever | Stalybridge | Cheshire |
Pondsford | Huntingdon | Cambs |
Skocroft | Tonbridge | Kent |
Springcurl | Wellington | Shropshire |
Stormacre | Louth | Lincolnshire |
Kennel Gypsy’s Soul | Estonia | |
Retriiverid | Estonia | |
Anatnaq | Finland | |
Cimramin | Oulu | Oulu |
Lindbiski | Finland | |
Flatcurls Flatcoated and Curlycoated Retriever | Germany | |
Of Polish Lowlands | 06193 Morl | Sachsen/Anhalt |
Retriever Breeds | Briegelsweg | Freiensteinau |
Vom Tuftekaller | D-32479 Hille | Nrw |
Wow Curlies | Germany | |
Allevamento Villa Doria | 15070 Casaleggio Boiro (Al) | Italy |
Retriveriai | Lithuania | |
Tornado-Beta | Lithuania | |
Retriever Luxembourg | Luxembourg | |
Bratsiostra | Borgerweg 2 | De Kiel |
Owca-Z-Stajnia | 6017Bh Thorn | Limburg |
Valpeliste | Norway | |
Z Basisfory | Lublin 6 | Lubelskie |
Z Gangu Dlugich | Zielona 5 | Pl-11-015 Olsztynek |
Dak’s Hanter Lodbjorn | Russian Federation | |
Duck’s Hunter | Russian Federation | |
You’re The Inspiration | Slovakia | |
Klub Retrieverjev | Ljubljana | Slovenia |
Praetorium LatobicorumS | Slovenia | |
De Krilomay | Ctra. Nacional 332 | 03720 Benissa |
Berger La MotteS Kennel | 432 95 Varberg | Halland |
Marshal | Sweden | |
Britho | Langenthal | Switzerland |
Curly | Switzerland | |
Furbazzottla | 7062 Passugg-Araschgen | Schweiz |
Pon Von Regensdorf | 8106 Adlikon Dorf | Zürich |
Zu Den Frohlichen Kobolden | 9450 Altstätten | St. Gallen |
Kennel Asti Mondoro | Ukraine | |
Ukrainian base Dannyhretriverov | Ukraine | |
Aspenwood-Spinone | United Kingdom | |
Berryholme | United Kingdom | |
Gladrags Curly Coated Retriever | United Kingdom | |
Kelsmere | United Kingdom | |
Malanis UK | United Kingdom |