Home Bernedoodle


The Bernedoodle is a playful, independent, and sometimes headstrong cross between the Poodle and the Bernese Mountain Dog. Sizes range widely, but all Bernedoodles need plenty of exercise. Although an apartment is sufficient, a home with a fenced-in backyard is ideal. This breed can run and play for hours at a time, and at least two thirty-minute walks daily are essential.

Sometimes stubborn, the Bernedoodle needs a strong, dominant leader. On the plus side, the breed is intelligent and eager to please, and pups tend to quickly grow out of their strong-willed behavior. Bernedoodles are sensitive, so use a firm but kind tone during training. Excessive harshness will only exacerbate any issues. Reward good behavior with praise and delicious treats, and understand that young Bernedoodles may need you to repeat instructions a few times.

Just like size, Bernedoodle coats can vary. The Bernese Mountain Dog has a dense, shaggy, long coat, and Poodles have soft, curly hair. Whichever coat (or combination of the two) your dog inherits, he should be brushed twice daily. He’ll shed moderately and is likely to shed more during the summer months.

Most Bernedoodles should be fed twice daily with 1.5 cups of dry, high-quality kibble. This breed has a tendency to overeat, so maintain a consistent and reasonable meal schedule.

The hearty Bernedoodle has a life expectancy of 12-18 years. Health problems to watch out for include elbow dysplasia, skin allergies, heartworms, parvo, heart disease, and various types of cancer.

This breed may be a great fit if you’re interested in a dog with a sweet, positive temperament—and if you’re able to lead an active lifestyle with your new pet.

Bernedoodle Breed


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Dog Size

Energy Level

Dog Energy Level


Dog Trainability

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Paws 'N' Pups Ranking

Bernedoodle Characteristics

Physical Characteristics:
Energy Level: Moderate

The Bernedoodle is a cross of the Poodle and Bernese Mountain Dog. As a result, the puppy’s size and weight can vary tremendously. Breeders may use standard, miniature or even toy poodles. Sizes range from:

  • Standard – 23-29″ / 70-90 lbs.
  • Miniature – 15-20″ / 25-49 lbs.
  • Toy – 10-14″ / 10-24 lbs.
The Bernedoodle is typically found in the following colors:

  • Black
  • Black and white
  • Black and brown
  • Black, white, brown

Bernedoodle Health & Longevity

Average Life Span: 12-18 years
Also nicknamed the Bernese Mountain Poo, the Bernedoodle is abundant in size and good health. This crossbreed is made from a combination of a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle. Both of the parent breeds are generally healthy, but there are a few health conditions that owners should keep a close watch for. Of course, the Bernedoodle is prone to a few health issues that affect all dogs, regardless of breed. These conditions include, but are not limited to, heart disease, heartworms, parvo, and different kinds of cancer.

Two breed-specific health issues that your Bernedoodle may face are:

Elbow Dysplasia

This condition, most commonly a birth defect, occurs when the joint and socket are malformed. This causes dislocation and painful arthritis, as well as eventual cartilage deterioration and permanent issues with mobility. Surgery is required to correct this condition.

Skin Allergies

Bernedoodles can have allergic reactions to grass, mites, fleas, dust, or pollen. Your vet can test for different allergies to prepare proper treatments. Symptoms include blotchy, itchy, red spots, hair loss, recurring ear infections, and oozing clear liquid. Vet-prescribed antibiotics and medicated shampoos are the usual treatment.

Other health problems that your Bernedoodle could encounter include cataracts, mange, cherry eyes, glaucoma, and hip dysplasia. With regular vet visits, a nutritious diet, and routine exercise, you can help your Bernedoodle maintain good health and a positive, sweet nature. The average Bernedoodle has a lifespan of 12 to 18 years – quite a few more years than the usual Bernese Mountain Dog or Poodle.

Bernedoodle Temperament & Train-ability

Cuddly, playful, sweet, and overall delight as a family pup, the Bernedoodle is a quirky, plucky playmate for adults, children, and other dogs alike. She is high-energy and loves romping and playing outside with her friends. She has a bit of an independent streak, sprouting from her Poodle genetics, so she can be headstrong and stubborn when the mood suits her. While she is loving and kind around children and other pets she’s grown up with, she still needs to be socialized with dogs and people outside of the home. This will better help her deal with strangers or friends who may drop in at the house.

Bernedoodles need tons of exercise because they have lots of energy. She is a great apartment pup, but a fenced-in backyard could be her safe haven. She loves to run, leap, and play for hours on end, before coming inside to sprawl out in her favorite, most comfortable spot. If you plan on taking your Bernedoodle to a dog park, be sure to keep her in an enclosure with the smaller dogs. Her high-energy attitude could annoy bigger dogs after a while. She also needs to be walked at least twice per day for 30 minutes at a time.

The stubbornness of a Bernedoodle is most prominent during the puppy stage. These pups, most often, grow out of their strong-willed ways, but you still need to establish yourself as the alpha of your pack. Use a clear, strong voice with a kind, positive tone to train your Bernedoodle. Remember that she is very intelligent with an eager-to-please nature that makes it easier for her to be trained. It might take a few repeats of your instruction, but these pups are usually quick to comply with commands. Reward her good behavior and obedience with meaty, bite-sized treats and lots of praise and encouragement.

Some people choose to use physical force and harshness to train their dogs. This simply will not work with a Bernedoodle. You should never strike or yell at these dogs or any dog for that matter. This particular breed is extra-sensitive to your tone and mood, so harshness will only scare her into shying away from you.

Bernedoodle Grooming

The Bernese Mountain Dog is notable for having a thick, shaggy coat of lengthy, dense hair, whereas the Poodle is known for a curly, soft coat that kinks easily, but gives the pup its signature fancy look. Your Bernedoodle could have just one of these coats or some combination of both coats. In either case, he needs to be brushed at least twice a day with a firm-bristled brush. He will shed a bit, especially in the summer months, but his coat will fluff back up when the weather gets cold again.

Bathe your Bernedoodle no more than twice a month with a gentle dog shampoo. These crossbreeds have important natural oils on their coat that protect their skin from bacterial growth and infection. Too many baths can dry out the skin and wash those oils away, exposing your pet to dangerous germs.

Bernedoodle Diet

The Bernedoodle in a standard size is a medium-sized to large pup, so he has a healthy, hearty appetite to match. Feed your Bernedoodle twice per day with 1 ½ cups of dry, high-quality kibble each meal. These crossbreeds can be overzealous when it comes to their feeding habits, so maintain a meal schedule that keeps them from overeating and gaining too much weight.

As for what you feed your Bernedoodle, nutrition matters. Make sure you shop for wholesome dog food that lists lean meats, whole grains, and vegetables as the top ingredients. This provides your crossbreed with plenty of complex carbs, protein, and good fats.

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Bernedoodle Cost

The costs of a Bernedoodle fluctuates with their popularity. Most of the time, these pups are in high demand, so the average breeder will amp up their prices to reflect the market. Bernedoodle puppies’ costs also fluctuate with desirable colors, so a high-demand tri-color pup might be as much as $2,500 to $3,500 from a reputable breeder. Meanwhile, a different colored Bernedoodle pup would cost between $1,500 to $1,800, which is still quite expensive.

Paws ‘N’ Pups Ranking

Paws ‘N’ Pups ranks every breed out of 4 with 1 being easiest to integrate into your life and 4 being the toughest – The lower the ranking the better.

Ranking takes into account a few basic factors including cost, skill level needed, high vs low maintenance and how critical regular training is to success. Bernedoodles rank a 1 on the Paws ‘N’ Pups scale, as these crossbreeds are some of the easiest pups to integrate into any lifestyle. They are great with children and other dogs, excellent in most weather conditions, and quick to bond with new friends. Overall, one of the healthiest and best crossbreeds for a good-natured family pets. Their biggest downside is the price tag.


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