Paws ‘N’ Pups has curated the most comprehensive list of Affenpinscher breeders from around the world to help you find the puppy of your dreams! We strive to provide you with the most up to date breeder listings including the most current contact information to assist in your search.
It’s important to thoroughly research a breeder prior to bringing a puppy home. Do not rush your decision. Ideally, you should visit them before purchasing and take the time to ask questions and learn more about the breeder’s previous experience, the lineage of parent dogs, and the general living conditions of the animals. In addition, you should find out which vaccinations your potential puppy will come with, what items are included in the puppy take-home kit (i.e. some food, a blanket, a toy), and what the policies are regarding a deposit, a refund, and a health guarantee. These are some of the main things to consider once you begin a conversation with a breeder.
If you are a breeder and would like to be added to list, would like to update you’re listing or would like to be removed from this list, please use this form.
Pick your country: USA | Canada | Europe | Australia and NZ
Breeder Name | City | State |
Belgian Buddies | Drexel | Missouri |
Dan Debruin | Victor | New York |
Dani Rosenberry Jim Underwood | Altoona | Pennsylvania |
Eastland Kennels | Palatka | Florida |
Jude Daley | East Kingston | New Hampshire |
Kelly Broderick | Tallahassee | Florida |
Mary Brower | Montague | Michigan |
Sheila Wymoe | Cornville | Arizona |
Sundancer | Santa Fe | New Mexico |
Whisteria Affenpinschers | Newfoundland | Pennsylvania |
Breeder Name | City | State or Country |
Mardiffen | Prague | Czech Republic |
Affer | Skibbild | Vildbjerg |
Avantgarde | Bath | Wilts |
Beaudiddley Bulldogs | Hartlip | Kent |
Borilar | Stockport | Cheshire |
Capricho | Heathfield | East Sussex |
Carmichan | Grimsby | N.E.Lincs |
Chiaffie | Warrington | Cheshire |
Cransbere | Radcliffe On Trent | Nottingham |
Darksprite | Selby | North Yorkshire |
Dr M A Brown and Dr A W Oliver | St. Neots | Cambridgeshire |
Furstin | Lincoln | Lincolnshire |
Induna | Sandbach | Cheshire |
Mrs J T Fletcher | Reading | Berkshire |
Orlock | Hatfield | Hertfordshire |
Perzidium | Scarborough | North Yorkshire |
Ribbleriver Affenpinscher | Preston | Lancashire |
Riogaioch | Calne | Wilts |
Roxilyn | Newark | Notts |
Scalene | Longwick | Buckinghamshire |
Tonsarne | Weybridge | Surrey |
Wildax | Liverpool | Merseyside |
Yorcrechi | Mablethorpe | Lincolnshire |
Kennel Tastaway’s | Tastintie | Alaveteli |
Canouan | Segalas | Aquitaine |
Vom Butzemannhaus Affenpinscher | Berlin | Germany |
Vom Rangau | Egloffstein | Bayern |
Von Der Folgenquelle | Limbach-Oberfrohna | Chemnitz-Land |
Steinway Kennel | Érd | Pest Megye |
Wichtelchen Affenpinscher | Luxembourg | |
Sintas | Ballynahinch | Down |
Kennel Imrun | Vellingroveien | Grinder |
Kennel Caudatus | Mällstensgränd | Bandhagen |
Laroussu’s | Teckomatorp | Skåne |
Manowar Irish Wolfhound and Affenpinscher | Hamragårdsvägen | Åsa |
Unicorn Kings | Hindås | |
Lindamole Bulldog’s and Affenpinscher’s | United Kingdom |
Australia and NZ
Breeder Name | City | State or Country |
Anita and John | Glenore Grove | Queensland |
Carol Speed | Gatton | Queensland |
Carole Pitman | Sellicks Beach | South Australia |
Diana and Tim Norman | Ocean View | Queensland |
Dr.H. and Mrs. M. Davis | Glasshouse Mountains | Queensland |
Elcavel | Wollogorang | Victoria |
Favreau | Glengarry | Tasmania |
Karin And Rebecca Maxwell | Glengarry Tas | Tasmania |
Kerry Rolfe | Wollogorang Via Collector | New South Wales |
Kylie Lawton | Murray Bridge | South Australia |
Remporter | Redbanks | South Australia |
Simias | Goulburn | South Australia |
Swayd | Cranbourne | Victoria |
Tatum Dickerson | Launceston | Tasmania |
Troubadour | Wallington | Victoria |
Woodella | Lewiston | South Australia |
Kirsten Wylie | Christchurch |